On Friday I woke up sick. Coughing, aching, stuffy head and fever sick. I stayed in bed the biggest part of the day and then rinse and repeat on Saturday. Sunday I got up a bit and today I've been up the biggest part of the day but I am really worn out right now and ready for bed.
I have a list of scrappy stuff to get done in the next couple days but I do need to mail out two things. First my secret Santa recipient over at JS - I can not wait for her to get her goodies, I hope she likes it all!!! Then, a touching tribute we've decided to do. A dear friend of ours, Nikki, has been facing an enduring battle with her 4 year old little girl who was diagnosed this past April with DIPG. I've posted here about her before asking for prayers and positive thoughts for this family. So, Cristal at JS suggested we make an album from pictures off the site Ellie has and then send the album to them for Christmas. I had intended to make several pages but with getting sick I managed to finish one with another in mind just not sure if I have the uummppphh to get it done. Cait did two pages as well that I need to take pics of but here is my first page to send:
Pint Size Picasso
Sorry for the poor quality of the picture but it was storming here tonite and today I didn't even think about taking the picture until the clouds started moving in. I hope you like it!!!
OK, off to work on my DT card, a couple challenges from JS and maybe another page for Ellie's album!!!
Happy Scrappin!!!
Oh karen! That just is amazing! I LOVE LOVE IT!
the page turned out so good! Sorry to hear your feeling bad...hope you back to yourself soon. I look forward to getting to crop with you again soon too!
Beautiful gf! As always!!!
I will keep you and your family in my t's and p's!! Take care sweetie!
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