About Me

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DFW, Texas, United States
I'm the luckiest woman out there. I'm blessed to be married to my best friend. I have two amazing children, one son-in-law and the most adorable grandson ever with grandson number two due February 2013!!! My passion is people and preserving their memories for generations to come.
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Email me at craf_t_scrapper@yahoo.com

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 20, 2008

Well, it's payday today. The day I love but hate!!! We get paid but then we get to pay out to everyone else. I always put off paying the bills to the very latest moment, I really like to log into my bank account and see a pretty balance sitting there - I'm bad I know.

Today proved to be not exciting - which thrilled me!!! I stopped by the bank to drop the card off to Elisa and she loved it!!! It really makes me feel good to be complimented on my work - I'm so not confident in myself!!! She told me she had a box of pictures from her recent trip to Chicago and then engagement pics she wanted to get together with me to see what we could do with them!!!

Last night we made a trip to Archiver's. Dylan has a class project for Spanish, yes Spanish, to where he has to do a family tree. He wanted it to be really neat so naturally I figured we could scrap it and make it rock. He wanted bigger than a 12x12 so we resorted to white posterboard. It is a piece of art in the works and I'll post it when he finishes it this weekend.

While at Archiver's I spent more than I should have - typical. Have I EVER told you guys how evil that store is??? I walk in and the demons start chanting "buy me, buy me, no buy me!!!" I don't stand a chance!!! I did notice a book on the shelves while browsing - mind you I am not one who is big on scrappy related books other than magazines. I figure things come into style and go out so fast there is no need to spend $20 or more on something I can look up on the internet right? Well, this one book stood out and talked to me - yes, I heard it talk!!! I picked it up and browsed through it a little and just had to buy it. The title of the book is "The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect Word." It is a little over 300 pages of quotes, questions, journaling and all kinds of stuff. I made it to page 30 last night and already had my sketch book filled with 3 layout ideas, 5 card ideas and tons of journaling jump starting quotes. Today I went through it with a highlighter and found tons more to get me going again - I haven't made it past page 60 yet!!! This book is really a good buy for those of you, like me, think that buying books is a waste - not to mention that I'm also journaling challenged!!!! LOL

Here is what the cover of the book looks like:


Off work in about 30 minutes then off to pick up Dylan from baseball then back home to do some laundry. While laundry is going I'll be working on purging some of my scrappy stuff to take up to my Mom next week when I go pick her up and bring her down here for the week while my Dad goes fishing. She's slowly getting into it but hesitant on cutting the pretty paper until she gets the hang of things. I have so much paper that I could wallpaper our entire house and still have some left so who better to give it to so she can practice??? Plus, the stuff I've got separated out so far is a little bit older but she said she doesn't care as long as it is something she can tinker with. I'm going to go through my stickers as well and pass on some that I have duplicates of - heck I should give them all to her because I rarely use them but as soon as I do I'll be looking for one that I bought with a purpose so for now, I'll just give her duplicates.

Surprisingly I have absolutely nothing scrappy to show off today!!! I intended on making a few cards last night but after running all over for stuff to work on Dylan's project and then purging my papers time ran out. Hopefully tonite I'll get something scrappy done - oh wait, last night I got something scrappy done, I made 15 library pockets w/tags for Dylan's family tree so he could put a picture on the outside of the pocket and info about the family member on the tag!!! Woohoo I did get scrappy last night!!!

Tomorrow is the big day!!! My baby girl is going to take her test to get her permit for driving!!! Yeah, we are a little slow in getting this done but she'll live with not getting her license til summer. At least she'll be able to drive us around and get plenty of practice in just in time for her license before school starts again next year. I'm nervous for her but she has studied the book really good and has known the answers to the questions I've reviewed with her from the books so I hoping she doesn't get nervous and freeze up during the test. It is only the written (well computerized now) test so not like she has to drive or try to parallel park yet!!!

OK, time to stop yapping and do my end of day paperwork, pick up the bonehead and do something productive tonite!!!

Happy scrappin'!!! Over and out ya'll!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that we don't have an Archival's near us...I'd be beyond broke!! I'm looking for a scrappy book too...one filled w/ challenges and ideas.

Have a great weekend!


Just to cover all bases...................

I am not the best scrapper out there. I don't claim to be totally original, I lift from many places and in many forms from color combinations, to product usage, to technique and so forth. I try to be fair to all scrappers out there and mention them when I lift from them - now keep in mind, there are so many people out there scrapping, card making and altering items that naturally more than one person will have similar ideas. When I mention lifting, or casing as some call it, I mean when you intentionally take a design you see and duplicate it exactly or only change up the coloring........KWIM???

With that said..........

All content, including text, photographs, and concept design elements are © Karen Brooks unless otherwise noted. Content within this blog is shared for personal, non-commercial use and inspiration only and shall not be used for personal gain or entry into contests or for publication. That wouldn’t be very nice now would it???

Thanks and happy scrappin'!!!!